
Stress-Busting Marketing Planning Template Pack

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Stress-Busting Marketing Planning Template Pack


“What Am I Going To Share With My Customers???”

How often have you uttered (or maybe screamed!) those word while staring at a blank computer screen? Does this happen to you?

I can relate. It used to happen to me, too. Then I realized that developing marketing content like blog posts and emails to my subscribers doesn’t have to be so frustrating.

And now, it doesn’t have to be for you, either. I’m here to help you fix the frustration so you can get down to the business of creating better content materials faster.

I’m Aurora Gregory, a marketer, speaker and author on all things marketing. I created the Stress-Busting Marketing Planning Template Pack to end your days of staring at a blank screen and get you on your way to planning your marketing every month in a way that makes sense and gets you ready to execute.

In this template pack, you’ll find the tools I use to plan the materials I’m going to reach out to my customers with. I’ve used them successfully to share content and to sell products. Now, you’ll be able to use them to do the same thing.

These templates and samples will save you time so you can put your energy into writing great content and delivering value to your customers.

Here’s what you get:

• A Monthly Theme Worksheet so you can plan a theme for each month of the year. No more guessing what to talk about each month because you will have already decided! A sample of what monthly themes can look like comes with the worksheet.

• A Blog Post Outline Worksheet to guide you in planning out your blog posts before starting to write. Having an outline streamlines the creation process – no more making it up as you go along. You get a sample outline and a sample blog post based on the outline so you can see what yours can look like.

• A Subscribers Email Worksheet you can use to outline your messages to your email lists based on your monthly theme. Taking the time to outline means you’ll spend less time figuring out the message and more time on your business. A sample outline and message will give you a vision for what you’re creating.

• A Social Media Post Planning Worksheet to make it easy for you to match quotes from your blog posts and email content with images so you can create posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. quickly. Samples of how to do just that will show you how to do it.

• A Checklist to help you be certain you’ve created everything you need to market your business well.

You’ll use these templates to map out your marketing content. This small investment will get you on your way to creating better, well thought out content that builds deeper connections with your customers. And when you’re connected to your customers, you’re in the best position to sell your products and make money. Who wouldn’t want that?

Here’s to you creating better marketing,

Aurora Gregory

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